Strolz hand-made leather liners use your feet as the mold to shape your truly custom ski boots.




In the first step of the fitting process we talk with you about where you ski and how you ski in order to match you with an appropriate shell configuration. We determine what the best shell stiffness and forward flex will be to match your size, physiology and ability level. We can adjust the flex of each shell with our stiffer inserts.

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Foot Analysis

Next a detailed analysis of your foot, ankle and calf is conducted. Footprints are made and evaluated for size, shape and pressure points. The feet are also measured for length, and width at the forefoot, instep and ankle to determine the precise shell size needed to match your foot. We also measure your calf and assess the need for canting the boot.  


Stretching the Shell

The vast majority of people do not need to have a shell stretched but if you have wide feet, bunions, bones or other issues that require more room for a comfortable fit, we may need to stretch your shell. We use wooden lasts sized for every half-size. Other boot and shoe companies will bump you up a size or two in length, in order to give you the space you need to be comfortable. At Strolz, we fit you in the smallest length shell that will be comfortable on your foot, so that you have the best leverage and fit when you ski. Then we build a model of your foot by adding cork to our wooden lasts.  Finally, we heat the shell to stretch it to accommodate your foot.


Once the exact size and shell selection is made we start the foaming process. The first step is to prepare a footbed that supports and orients your foot in the ski boot. The footbed is trimmed to size and inserted into the leather liner. The foaming process gives the footbed it’s permanent shape.


Foot Padding

The next step is to pad your feet and ankles in appropriate areas. Each foot is different and may require slightly different sized and oriented pads.  This step allows us to give you extra room on sensitive areas.


Foaming Process

Finally, you insert your padded feet into the boots and step onto a foaming stand. Our boot fitter mixes up the foam injects it into the boot while you pull up on the stand's handles and press your feet down into the boots. The foam surrounds your feet and any excess flows out the tubes at the toes. After a few minutes, the boot fitter will instruct you to remove your boots and he will cut the foaming tubes and remove the foot and ankle pads. After another 12 hours of cure time, your boots are ready to ski.